Psychological Mechanisms of Influencing Potential Customers

13 Aug

On sale

Every businessman is aware of the fact that in order to sell his service or goods it isn’t enough just to announce it or lay it on the counter and wait until the clients come and buy them. It is necessary to use this or that sales technique depending on the type of goods and the potential audience. What sales techniques are the most effective ones?

There are some methods which make the potential customers take their wallets out and spend their money on the goods that were supposed to be useless half an hour ago. How do salesmen and distributing corporations make us buy their goods? The sellers of goods and services use a lot of secrets based on psychological pressure to convince the buyers that they really need the offered service or item.

Here are the most wide-spread sales techniques.

  1. Attracting the attention of the potential customers.


Here the main question concerns the fact are the sales prices really a bargain? It is possible that the items on sale is old. Besides that the stock left-outs may be of poor quality.


Using coupons isn’t always the way to save some money especially in cases when the coupons are offered in sets or when a coupon provides some discount on an item which is more expensive than its analogues.

Selling one item at a loss.

The large stores often sell some separate item at a loss. That attracts the customers and makes them buy a lot of goods in addition to the bargain.


Sometimes the customers are offered a free lottery ticket if they spend some significant sum of money. But in case you have spent more than planned you have already paid for the prize. Besides that lottery always stays a lottery. You may lose and not get the prize. That is how you waste your money.

  1. Cutting a wide swathe.

“We are № 1 brand!”

In the most cases there isn’t any difference is the offered good claimed to be the leading brand or not. What is really important is its quality and long exploiting period.

Enthusiasm of the shop assistants.

Enthusiasm is a very contagious thing. However in the most cases the optimistic shop assistants are enthusiastic about their rake-off.

Join the VIP group”

The most widely used psychological trick of marketing specialist is to provide the customer with the illusion of belonging to the upper crust. Even a plain chocolate may be turned into some luxury item. Using an image of a wealthy well-groomed woman you may make the customer associate himself with the model in case he purchases the chocolate bar.

Right name.

There are a lot of cases when the witty name has made more than 80% of business success. For example, in USA a small hairdresser’s called Osama had small income before 2008. The customers had associations with Osama Bin Laden. When Barack Obama become a president the owner of the hairdresser’s just changed one letter in the name of his business and gained incredible profit. If you are interested how to raise your sales and choose the name for your business visit

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Posted by on August 13, 2013 in Modern Society


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